Michael Funk
Woodstock, VA – The Shenandoah Community Foundation announced the addition of William Michael Funk to their Board of Directors today.
“With Michael’s banking background, his enthusiasm for our mission, and his previous board experience, we are lucky to have him,” said Foundation President, Jeff Dalke. “I look forward to working with Michael and can’t wait to see his contribution to our organization.”
Funk is a lifelong resident of Shenandoah County and previous president of Virginia Savings Bank. He is a member of the Northern Shenandoah Valley Regional Commission Housing and Community Services Policy Board, the Strasburg Rotary Club, and the Town of Woodstock Economic Development Committee. In addition to his current activities, he has served on various civic and philanthropic organizations throughout his career.
“It’s been a privilege for me to serve on the First Bank Board with Michael,” said SCF Advisory Board member Elizabeth Cottrell. “He will bring a wonderful balance of heart and head to the Foundation.”
Funk will be replacing Donald Albright who has been a member of the SCF Board for several years and served as Secretary and an Executive Board member during his tenure. Albright will be moving out of the county early in the new year.
“In addition to being a Board member at the Shenandoah Community Foundation, Don has two funds with us, so he will continue to be involved with the Foundation even after leaving the Board,” said Program Coordinator, Jeanne Russell. “I have enjoyed working with Don. He is so positive and caring. I look forward to his continued involvement with our activities.”
The Shenandoah Community Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization which helps connect people who care with causes that matter in Shenandoah County Virginia. For more information, visit: www.shenandoahCF.org or call (540) 459-7737. The e-mail address is: SCFound@shentel.net.